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Women in the Farm Industry

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

I want to preface this by saying no matter what you do, where you come from, what your goals are or what mistakes you made along the way: you are a successful woman. You will not be made to feel like less because of your job, dreams, or hobbies. We will continue to be leaders, empower and support other women in every special way we can. We are all gifted in some manner, sometimes it takes time to find it.

Our role as women in farming is not to show up the men who dominate this industry. It isn't about equal pay (though that is a nice bonus) or showing how we can do things "better". Our role in this industry is to be a leader for the next generation. Inspire young girls that hard work, sustainable living and serving your community are important aspects in life. This industry is full of science but overshadowed by science like physics or other industries like mathematics and engineering. You are still smart, empowered and a leader if you venture into agriculture and horticulture. Setting up our young girls (and their brothers) to learn about plants, growth, animals and more will give them a foundation in sustainability and honoring the earth God created.

What You Can Do

There are so many sub divisions to the farming world and each one of them has excellent female leaders, paving the way for young women. Today, the farm industry needs more women like us in it. The leaders, the educated, the dedicated, the passionate. It is an industry in need of repair and inspiring future generations to make their mark in it will save it. Whether you are interested in the business aspect, out in the field harvesting or assisting with animals in the barn: you are making a difference in your community. So head out to volunteer at your local farm or go for that agricultural degree, it is so worth it in the end when you are able to provide for your friends, family and community whil simultaneously bettering yourself physically and mentally.


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